
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


《凡人修仙传之魔道六宗》人物造形曝光 由目前国内人气最高的玄幻小说《凡人修仙传》改编的网页游戏《凡人修仙传之魔道六宗》(以下简称《魔道六宗》)现在已经揭开了它神秘的面纱,这款走中国风的网页游戏用水墨国画风为玩家描绘了一个虚无缥缈的玄幻世界。 游 ... 《凡人修仙传之魔道六宗》人物造形曝光

中原地产确认裁员千人 调控见成效楼市或回归正常

中原地产确认裁员千人 调控见成效楼市或回归正常 中广网深圳11月4日消息(记者吴喆华)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,这个秋天,对于地产中介来讲,比冬天更冷。近日,一条"深圳中原地产被曝裁员2000人"的消息不胫而走。有网友惊呼:"深圳地产中介老大也hold不住了!并称深 ... 中原地产确认裁员千人 调控见成效楼市或回归正常


皇马率先突围 楚天金报讯 据新华社电 欧冠联赛2日上演了一出"豪门盛宴",皇马凭借C罗的梅开二度客场2:0战胜里昂,提前两轮从D组出线,曼联、曼城、拜仁和国米也成功获取3分。 里昂的主场热尔兰体育场历来是皇马征战欧洲赛场的一块心 ... 皇马率先突围

After the 'Watch the Throne' show, it's the after-parties

After the 'Watch the Throne' show, it's the after-parties By Fritz Hahn Kanye West, left, makes a guest appearance as Jay-Z performs during a concert at Yankee Stadium, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010, in New York. (Jason DeCrow - AP) Tonight, Kanye and Jay-Z take over DC David has already told you how to make the ... After the 'Watch the Throne' show, it's the after-parties

Portugal pode ter ouro de classe mundial

Portugal pode ter ouro de classe mundial A empresa canadiana que está a realizar a exploração experimental de ouro em Portugal está optimista com potencial aurífero em Évora. A Colt Resources, que assinou com o Governo português contratos de três anos para extrair ouro nas freguesias de Nossa ... Portugal pode ter ouro de classe mundial

臭豆腐味道 葛蘭德森尊重

臭豆腐味道 葛蘭德森尊重 (中央社記者蕭保祥台中3日電)大聯盟訪台賽今天在台中洲際球場進行,大聯盟選手這幾天體驗台灣文化,談到臭豆腐的「美味」,紐約洋基外野手葛蘭德森(Curtis Granderson)下午說,「我很尊重這味道」。 葛蘭德森表示,昨天已經吃過臭豆腐,「我很尊重這味道,因為一 ... 臭豆腐味道 葛蘭德森尊重

Cristina Kirchner se reúne con empresarios, en el inicio de la cumbre en Cannes

Cristina Kirchner se reúne con empresarios, en el inicio de la cumbre en Cannes La Presidente participa de un foro empresarial que se realiza en el marco de las deliberaciones del Grupo de los 20, en Cannes. La Jefa de Estado planteará ante sus pares de ese bloque la reestructuración de los organismos internacionales y contra los ... Cristina Kirchner se reúne con empresarios, en el inicio de la cumbre en Cannes

GlaxoSmithKline Reaches Settlement With US Government

GlaxoSmithKline Reaches Settlement With US Government By Ian Walker LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare company GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK) said Thursday it has reached an agreement in principle to resolve multiple investigations with US Government and will pay about $3 billion ... GlaxoSmithKline Reaches Settlement With US Government

頎邦Q4營運穩 庫藏股利多加持 股價大漲歡慶

頎邦Q4營運穩 庫藏股利多加持 股價大漲歡慶 IC封測頎邦(6147)受惠手機客戶需求帶動,第 4 季晶片出貨預估將與第 3 季持平,同時代工價格走勢趨穩,不會再有降價壓力,挹注第 4 季毛利率,再加上執行庫藏股利多,激勵今(3)日股價大漲,早盤漲幅一度達到 5 %以上,衝上波段新高。 頎邦指出,之前股價跌深時已實施過 ... 頎邦Q4營運穩 庫藏股利多加持 股價大漲歡慶

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